In the last 12 months Healeys have offset 313,000Kg of carbon dioxide through the indirect purchase of 26,290 square metres of imminently endangered rainforest in South America via the World Land Trust.
Working with the renowned Edinburgh Centre of Carbon Management both the operational footprint of the Healeys business and the manufacturing footprint of the paper used were calculated and then a corresponding area of threatened land purchased – this is recognised by the United Nations as a certified method of carbon capture. A happy byproduct of this, is that valuable ecosystems are also saved, protecting often endangered species of wildlife and fauna.
When applicable, clients are informed of the amount of CO2 offset and the area of land protected for each job. Many publish this information along with the World Land Trust logo on each publication as a further demonstration of their environmental commitment. Clients that save over 1,000Kg of carbon are given a certificate detailing this. Healeys certificate shows the offsetting details for manufacturing.
Kelly Harris commented “This is a fantastic first year result for our relationship with the World Land Trust. We are delighted that so many of our partners have taken the opportunity to mitigate their environmental footprint and at no extra cost to them – truly a win:win!”
Philip Dodd added “I’m delighted to confirm that we have extended our relationship with the World Land Trust for the next 12 months and look forward to increasing the area of rainforest protected in the coming year”
For more information about Carbon Balancing or how Healeys can reduce the carbon footprint of your printed collateral then please contact [email protected]