“Katonda Wenge!” | Healeys

“Katonda Wenge!”

“Katonda Wenge!” was what a subject said when she first saw her image on the back of photographer Steve Russell’s Canon 1D.  Roughly translated it means “Oh my god!”

Anyone lucky enough to see Steve’s book depicting East Africa, its life, landscapes and people is likely to say just the same as the 184pp quarterbound volume comprises dozens of quite stunning photography, all accurately reproduced using Healeys’ Heidelberg Speedmaster XL operating within the ISO12647 colour standard.


At the recent launch, such photographic luminaries as David Bailey praised Steve on the book and the quality of the reproduction.  Mr Bailey himself is no stranger to Healeys work, having been a customer for a number of years.

Philip Dodd, managing director, was delighted by the feedback “We are very used to printing all types of art based publications – photography, sculpture and paintings – for our many clients in the sector. With the publisher being a professional photographer and the original artist, this project had the potential to be more challenging than most.  However by using optimised artwork specified by our studio we were able to proof and print accurately without any colour correcting, thus saving time and money throughout the whole process.  As an added bonus we also get to add a copy of the book to our extensive library for visitors to enjoy!”.

For more information about optimising your artwork, about ISO12647, or if you have a project to discuss please contact our sales team or email [email protected].

To order a copy of the book please visit www.steverussellstudios.com

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