Environmental | Healeys


The Road to Net Zero

Ten years ago Healeys Printers took the decision to become one of the first printers in the UK to offset their energy and own transport carbon output, thereby becoming carbon neutral. This was achieved in partnership with the World Land Trust. WLT established over 30 years uses the funds from participating companies to buy endangered land and habitats of important biodiversity around the world. www.worldlandtrust.org

Here is an extract from an email from CarbonCo regarding our 2023 verified carbon output statistics “The journey and history show an amazing successful carbon reduction initiative at the business which should be acknowledged and congratulated. Your first footprint in 2012 was 258 tonnes. Peaking in 2017 to 274.60 tonnes and now 139.28 tonnes. A headline reduction of 49.2%”.

WLT have purchased over 2.4 million acres and have 4 million acres under active protection.

Here is a video from David Attenborough – Patron of the WLT.

In 2022 we applied to have our 42% reduction in carbon output recognised by www.sciencebasedtargets.org. We are happy and proud to have become the first SME UK printer to achieve this. Amongst our earliest initiative to achieve this was the switch to an energy contact to renewables and we currently have three electric vehicles on fleet as we move from conventional vehicles. This target encompasses what is known as Scope 1 & 2, our own energy and transport carbon – direct mission and indirect emission from purchased energy. Scope 3 is the up and down stream emissions including delivery and supply and how your product is essentially recycled. etc.

In 2023 we will continue to offset whilst we start to evaluate, measure and reduce some Scope 3 issues with help from an external consultant.

This will lead to both a long term (net zero) target supported by an annual stakeholder carbon report available on our website and in printed form.

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